Student Handbook

The program includes the following sessions:
Placement Test Mondays only
9:00 – 2.00pm
Class begins AM Students:
8:45 am the following day
PM Students:
4.15pm the following day
Sydney International English College

Address: Level 6, 127 Liverpool St, Sydney, NSW 2000
Tel: +61 (2) 9264 0073/9264 0079 Fax: +61 (2) 9264 0087
Email: Website:
Postal Address: P.O Box 242, Chatswood, NSW 2057, Australia
ABN: 17 121 012 940 / CRICOS Provider Code: 02871C
The Academic Manager and teachers would like to thank
you for choosing our college and we hope the
Orientation information assists you in settling in during
your stay.
Table of Contents
Contents Page
SIEC Time Table 4
Grievance Procedure 5
SIEC Policies 6
Attendance Policies 6
Vacation and Extended Leave Policies 8
Pages 6–8 are very important. Read these pages carefully.
Academic Policies 9
Assessment Policy 9
Transfer Policy 9
English Only Policy 10
Mobile phone Policy 10
Administration Policies 11
Certificate policy 11
Change of Contact details Policy 11
Student ID card procedure 12
Administration Services and Fees 12
Learning and Living in Australia 13
Student Responsibilities & Rights 14
Teachers’ Rights 14
SIEC Map 15
Useful Phone Numbers and Websites 16
Appendix 1. Change of Address Form 18
Appendix 2. Recognition of Policies 19
Welcome to Sydney International English College!
SIEC Time table
Morning Session
8:45 Class
11:00 Class
Special skills
Pm Session
Plan Your Day around Your Classes!
 Remember why you are here: This is your best chance to study English.
Coming to class on time means getting more practice which means improving
 Plan your breaks: What can you do in 15 minutes? Think of 3 things. What
can you not do in 15 minutes? Think of 3 things. If you come back late from
break, you hurt your classmates!
 Schedule your life around your class: Don‟t get a job that ends after class
begins! Set your alarm for the same time every day. If you can‟t wake up for
your alarm, get a new one!
 English is a skill, not information: There is no super study session for English.
The only way to get better is to practice!
16:15 Class
18:30 Class
SIEC Grievance Procedures
Counseling on matters ranging from private concerns to living and academic issues is available to students studying at SIEC. Students need to fill out
a counseling form at reception. Students are welcome to bring a friend or support person to any meeting. SIEC follows the “National Code of
Practice” and therefore SIEC must commence the process within 10 days of the lodgment of an appeal or complaint. SIEC must finalize the
process as soon as possible.
Consumer Complaints
(Department of Fair Trading)
P.O. Box 972 Parramatta NSW 2124
Tel: 133220,
City office: Mckell Building
2-24 Rawson Place
Sydney NSW 2000
Suite 12, Level 14, 329 Pitt
Sydney NSW Australia
Ph: (02) 9264 4490
Fax: (02) 9264 4550
Academic Matters
(ie. Change of class,
Further Study)
Personal Matters
(ie. Personality Conflicts)
Personal Welfare
(Mental & Physical
Legal Advice
(Referral to appropriate bodies)
Not Solved
Academic Manager Principal Administrator
Attendance Matters
Letter of Release
Refund Request
Deferring or
Suspending Enrolment
Accommodation issues
(Home Stay or
Shared Accommodation)
Administration officer
City Campus
Not solved:
Kevin Choi
Managing Director
Contact Details
City Campus
Level 6, 127 Liverpool St
Sydney, NSW 2000
9264 0073 / 9264 0079
Principal Administrator
(Academic Manager)
Kevin Choi
College Policies
Attendance Monitoring Policy
(Student Visa Holders)
It is the responsibility of the student to remain aware of the conditions of their
visa and visa subclass to register for an SIEC course after the student has taken the
letter of offer to DIAC for approval. According to the Department of Immigration and
Citizenship (DIAC), “to be granted a student visa, you must provide evidence that
satisfies the assessment factors applicable to you. Assessment factors include your
financial ability, English proficiency, likely compliance with the conditions of your
visa and any other matters considered relevant to assessing your application.”
All overseas students on a student visa must:
 Maintain a minimum of 80% average course attendance
 Have satisfactory academic performance at every stage of their course
Students not maintaining these conditions will be warned and subsequently reported to DIAC
via the Provider Registration and International Students Management System (PRISMS). Additional
information on student visa issues is available on the DIAC Internet site at
Unsatisfactory Attendance
As a Student Visa Holder, you are required to attend all classes and any other activities for
which attendance is compulsory. Teachers will record your attendance at, or absence from, classes
on a class roll at the beginning and end of each session. The class rolls will be checked every week
by the administrator.
If, owing to compassionate circumstances, you are unable to attend a class or tutorial,
you are required to notify the Administration/Teacher of your absence, by telephone 9264 0073
immediately and you must submit written evidence as to why.